Raymond Nat TurnerJun 2Poets4PalestineHearing! Hearing! Hearing! Hearing! Hearing! Hearing! Sheep-shearing/job-fearing/fictioneering— Chalk white, snow white, lily white, bone White noise … White noise...
Dee AllenDec 4, 2023Poets4PalestinePoem for Palestine: Oppressor Rolesby Dee Allen photo by @eye.on.palestine Oppressed people Take on oppressor roles. Take hostages, Take out selected buildings, civilians,...
Bu tamim Al-BarghoutiNov 27, 2023Poets4PalestinePoem for Palestine: In Jerusalemby Bu tamim Al-Barghouti Photo From: @eye.on.palestine مررنا على دار الحبيب فردنا ***عن الدار قانون الأعادي وسورها فقلت لنفسي ربما هي...
Robin NardiNov 22, 2023Poets4PalestineOn Your Feet#Poets4Palestine by Robin Nardi Photo from: @eye.on.palestine reshared from @iAmien Put your feet in the street Let them know where you...
Shayla ChandlerNov 22, 2023Poets4PalestinePoem for Palestine#Poets4Palestine by Shayla Chandler i never cared much for the idea of heaven or religion at all for that matter but by god do i pray and...
POORMAGNov 14, 2023Poets4PalestineGaza is filled with Mamas: A Poem for Palestine by Tiny Gray Submit poetry to poormag@gmail.com for blog, online column, and/or radio by Dec 1st This screamlove Poem goes out to the...
POORMAGNov 11, 2023Poets4Palestinechild hands and legs and memory: Two Poems for Palestine by Devorah Majorby Devorah Major, third Poet Laureate of San Francisco Palestinian children are writing their names on their bodies so they can be...