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The Homefulness Project

Homefulness is a houseless peoples HEALing solution to homelessness. Rent free, forever homes, with on-site indigenous healing, support , art, education, media & ComeUnity launched with permission, prayer &  protocol from 1st Nations peoples of wherever on occupied Turtle Island it is MamaFested. Homefulness was launched and visioned by a houseless, indigenous, disabled mother and daughter while they were struggling on the streets with the violence  of homelessness.

POOR Magazine family in front of the Homefulness mural

Homefulness is what poor, houseless, indigenous, evicted, disabled, false-border-terrorized peoples from all four corners of Mama Earth, now residing on stolen and occupied Turtle Island, have dreamed, loved, and fought for. After lifetimes of being displaced, evicted, incarcerated, swept, criminalized and traumatized, our family is actually “buying” land and building permanent homes, food justice, art and healing comeUnity for ourselves and the world. We operate in the tradition of and in solidarity with landless people's movements across the globe.


The land we call Homefulness in East Huchiun (Oakland) now provides housing for families, space for Deecolonize Academy, PeopleSkool, Community Newsroom, Sliding Scale Cafe, the Uncle Al & Mama Dee Living Library, Revolutionary Radio on PNN–KEXU, and all of POOR Magazine's indigenous community arts & media programming.


The vision of Homefulness is a blueprint for unselling and physically and spiritually liberating Mama Earth by permanently removing land from the speculative "real estate" market. It is meant to be replicated all across occupied Turtle Island and Mama Earth.

There is a House in East Huchiun...

by Tiny Gray-Garcia

from The Sidewalk Motel: Poems from a Poverty Skola


There is a house in East Huchiun
They Call it Homefulness
And its been the dream of many a poor girl
And God I know im one

My mama was disabled
Tortured as a child
My father was a rich wite man
Who left us all to die

Now the only thing a poor mama needs
Are hands to hold her dreams
But mama and me were all alone
So instead we lived on the street

mama and me were broken
Barely made it out alive
but no matter what
She refused to believe in the
settler colonial lies

Sometimes the pain is too hard
Mama said I can’t go on
But walk this change
On this Ohlone land
And Build us all a home

Well there is a house in East Huchiun
They call it Homefulness
And its been the hope of many a poor girl & boy
And GOD I know we are them

Well there is a house in East Huchiun
And its been the dream of many a poor boy & girl
And god I know we are them...

The Homefulness Project

Building Homefulness has been a labor of love by our poverty skola construction crew with the support of our radical redistributors and revolutionary architects and designers in a struggle against kkkrapitalist bureauKRAZY every step of the way over many years.


The Homefulness Handbook: How to Build a Homeless & Landless People's Solution to Homelessness is available from POOR Press

DegentriFUKation Site (Homefulness #2)

This site was targeted for a luxury condo complex, that thanks to POOR Magazine poverty skolaz, elders, and solidary family, was removed from speculative real Esnake market for the site of a future Homefulness

Homefulness #3

POOR Magazine is being called in by this so-called Bellingham, Washington, occupied Nooksack and Lummi territory of Turtle Island to share the medicine and the template of Homefulness, a Homeless Peoples solution to homelessness

Homefulness the World

Houseless and formerly houseless youth and elder poverty skolaz at POOR Magazine will come to your encampment, university, church, or town and share the medicine (template) of Homefulness—a homeless, landless, self-determined movement/solution to homelessness

Homefulness the World

Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources UnTours

Launched by Tiny (@povertySkola) on Mama Earth Day 2016. We will come to your part of settler stolen/occupied, Po'Lice predated Turtle Island (or anywhere on Mama Earth) to pray, vision, dream teach, and share Radical Redistribution, ComeUnity Reparations, and Homefulness with wealth-hoarders, inheritors of stolen Mama Earth, and/or protected/occupied wealth neighborhoods.

Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources UnTours
Occupied Tongva Lands (so-called Venice Beach & Beverly Hills), 2016
Occupied Yelamu & Huchiun (so-called San Francisco & Oakland) Ohlone Territory, 2016