Upcoming Events: Tovaangar (LA)
Updated: Mar 23
April 11th, Thursday 5pm
ComeUnity Reparations into Land Liberation and Homefulness
Location: UCLA Luskin, Room 2355, Public Affairs Building
Join for part two of the presentation UnSelling & UnSettling Mama Earth with tiny (lisa) gray-garcia aka PovertySkola.
April 13th, Saturday 1pm
Writing is fighting, Writing is healing
Location: Eastside Cafe
5469 Huntington Dr N,
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Your stories of struggle & resistance to racism, poverty, gentrification and homelessness are healing power.
Stipends and food provided.
Co-sponsored by Reclaiming our Homes, PrensaPobre/POORMagazine
Sábado 13 de abril 1pm
Escribir as luchar, Escribir es sanar.
En el Café del este
5469 Huntington Dr N,
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Sus historias de lucha y resistencia al racismo, la pobreza, la gentrificación y la falta de vivienda son un poder curativo.
Estipendios y alimentos proporcionados.
Copatrocinado por Recuperando Nuestros Hogares, PrensaPobre/POORMagazine