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UnTour Book Across Occupied Turtle Island: KlanMarks, Plakkks and ManuMeants



tiny gray-garcia, Muteado Silencio POOR Magazine/Homefulness, 510-435-7500 

Black, Brown, Indigenous, Houseless Peoples Release New kind of (Un)Tour Book 

This new genre “guide Book” is full of poetry, prayer, stories and art on indigenous resistance to settler colonial erasure, poLice terror, homelessness and the many acts of indigenous/Black/Brown-led resistance from Turtle Island to Palestine and all across Mama Earth 

What: Book Release Ceremonies from Seattle to San Francisco to Los Angeles 

Feb 9th Seattle, Wa 5pm RoofLEss Radio Writing/Media Workshop at Tent City 3 

Feb 10th Seattle, Wa 6pm Cafe Red Book Release Prayer Ceremony

Feb 11th Seattle, Wa  4pm Bulldog News Book Release Reading 

Feb 12th Olympia, Wa 6pm Orca Books Cooperative 315 5th Ave SE

Feb 13th Tacoma, Wa 5pm - King's Books 218 St Helens Ave

March 29Tovaangar (LA)4pm LA Mutual Aid Fest Midnight Books 3382 E Florence Ave

April 12 Coast Miwok Land (San Rafael, Ca) 1pm San Rafael Mission 1104 5th Ave 

April 26 Huchiun (Oakland, Ca) EastSide Arts Alliance 2277 International Bl

May 20 Yelamu (San Francisco) City Lights Books 261 Columbis Ave

On February 9th houseless/No-income, indigenous, Black, Brown, Disabled visionary poets and cultural workers from the Bay Area begin the long journey to retrace their Herstoric Stolen land /Hoarded Resources UnTours to release the powerful UnTour Book Across Occupied Turtle Island. 

The UnTour Book chronicles their walks into occupied land and stolen resources in the US. Sites like occupied Lenape Territory aka Philadelphias’ main Line and the historic “Old Philadelphia” rife with examples of what tiny gray-garcia calls Klanmarks and ManUmeants, honoring the multitude of self-proclaimed “discoverers” such as Cristopher Columbus who in actuality perpetrated great harm on indigenous peoples both personally and historically or Clayton Duncan and other indigenous Pomo leaders work to unwash the lies about the Bloody Island  Massacre in so-called KelseyVille named after the murderer who perpetrated the genocide of hundreds of innocent indigenous women and children, or Priscilla Hunter, the Pomo Mama Tree Warrior and Protector of so many old growth trees from the violence of the Lumber Industry to the Resistance Marks of Alex Nieto, Mario Woods and Sean Monterrosa to name a few, killed by PoLice but honored in San Francisco in beautiful street-based murals of resistance to the warrior work of indigenous women creating their own Land Trust, and the story of indigenous women taking down the ManUmeant honoring a Spanish missionary who committed genocide on California Indians, to sites of BlackLand Return and resistance, all of this and so much more, reaching globally into Palestine, West Papua, Hawai’i and Kashmir. 

KlanMarks, ManUMeants and Plakkks- UnTour Guide Across Occupied Turtle Island

“KlanMarks” are my word for all the colonizer blight claiming sacred spaces and sacred stories and washing the truth of genocide off the stolen land— thousands of mis-named, occupied and stolen indigenous lands and sacred sites across Turtle Island, where the land-stealers, occupiers, genocidal perpetrators, aka colonizers are lifted up as heroes. The names of the murderers, the rapists, the robbers, the stealers, the re-writers, and the occupiers litter Turtle Island. But, in this book, there are also so many powerful acts of re-creating, redefining, LandBacking, and land-returning  stolen Mama Earth—from Palestine to Chief Siah’l (Seattle) on Turtle Island, from Bloody Island to Lisjan Land—so this UnTourBook is also meant to honor, pray, dream, and lift up the voices of resistance until all of the KlanMarks are gone and all the LiberationMarks replace them.  Tiny gray-garcia aka povertyskola - visionary and co-writer of the Untour Book Across Occupied Turtle Island 

Book release events will feature prayer bringers from many traditions and many of the poets and land liberators featured in the book and in the Pacific Northwest will be dedicated to John Williams, of the Williams Family Carvers, a houseless, indigenous wood carver from Seattle who was killed by Seattle PoLice dept and will feature his brother and nephew Rick T Williams and EagleSun. 50% of book sales will go to the Williams Family Carvers and the remaining 50% to the building of Homefulness in the PNW. This will be the same for all of the Book release Ceremonies in all of the other settler occupied towns.

It must be said that none of this powerful book would have been possible without the tireless work of the design/ klanmark research team from POOR Magazine's Solidarity family of Linguistic Liberators:, Asa Ikeda, Frankie Carter, Bridget Cervellie, Maya Ram, Ruby Roebuck, and Greg Barton!


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